Korafe - Papua New Guinea
Korafe, Tewari clan| Amuioan, Tufi, Oro province | Papua New Guinea, 2017
The Korafe community lives close to the town of Tufi in the north-east of Papua New Guinea’s main island. Tufi is close to Cape Nelson, a coastal area consisting of tropical ‘fjords’. Korafes are known for their impressive facial tattoos and feathered headdresses, and at ceremonies and special events, they wear tapa cloths, shell jewellery and feathers.
With your purchase you support Indigenous communities taking their heritage into the future
With its projects, the Jimmy Nelson Foundation (JNF) is completing the circle Jimmy has started. As cultures are rapidly changing through time, and the world’s cultural diversity is at risk, now is the moment to act. The JNF supports Indigenous communities in preserving and passing on their traditional heritage and knowledge by investing in reciprocity and educational projects.
Limited to 19
Wallnut wood
Musem glass
074 x 062 cm - Edition of 9
120 x 100 cm - Edition of 6
170 x 140 cm - Edition of 3
207 x 170 cm - Edition of 1