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Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 

9 August 2023
By: Coco Box , Kieke van Maarschalkerwaart
Part Of Jimmy Nelson His Team- Coco Box
Part Of Jimmy Nelson His Team- Kieke van Maarschalkerwaart
Photo - Jimmy Nelson- Muchimba - Namibia - Homage to Humanity - Fine Art - Skira - Italy - Expositie - Gallery - Art - Jimmy Nelson - Kunst - Jimmynelsonsonmilano - Humanity - Pallazo Reale

Embracing Indigenous Voices: Celebrating International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 

On this meaningful day, we come together to honor the rich cultural heritage, resilience, and contributions of Indigenous communities worldwide. The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples serves as a reminder of the vital role these communities play in preserving our planet’s diversity and wisdom.

This year’s theme, ‘Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination,’ highlights the incredible power and potential that young Indigenous leaders hold. They are the driving force behind positive transformation, advocating for self-determination, social justice, and sustainable development.

The voices of Indigenous youth echo the aspirations of their communities, echoing a call for respect, recognition, and empowerment. By championing their rights, these remarkable individuals are paving the way for a future where Indigenous cultures thrive, and the world benefits from their ancestral knowledge.

As we celebrate this International Day, let us commit to amplifying Indigenous voices, supporting their self-determination journey, and fostering a world where every individual can flourish. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world that values the unique perspectives and contributions of Indigenous communities.

Join us in commemorating this day by sharing stories, engaging in meaningful conversations, and raising awareness about the importance of Indigenous youth as agents of change. Let’s work hand in hand to ensure that their dreams, aspirations, and rights are not only recognized but celebrated. 

Video made in collaboration with Senthil Kumar & Wunderman Thompson
Music by Dhruv Ghanekar from WAH WAH MUSIC