Korafe - Papua New Guinea
Korafe | Amuioan, Tufi, Oro province | Papua New Guinea, 2017
The main body of an outrigger canoe is carved from a single tree trunk and the outrigger is attached to one side to stabilize it in the water. The extra stability enables these vessels to transport goods and passengers across the rough seas between the islands. They are also used for fishing and even racing. In recent times sails have been added to harness the power of the wind and cross the seas.
With your purchase you support Indigenous communities taking their heritage into the future
With its projects, the Jimmy Nelson Foundation (JNF) is completing the circle Jimmy has started. As cultures are rapidly changing through time, and the world’s cultural diversity is at risk, now is the moment to act. The JNF supports Indigenous communities in preserving and passing on their traditional heritage and knowledge by investing in reciprocity and educational projects.
Limited to 19
Wallnut wood
Musem glass
062 x 110 cm - Edition of 9
100 x 180 cm - Edition of 6
140 x 260 cm - Edition of 3
165 x 315 cm - Edition of 1